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eight fucking years. 

EIGHT FUCKING YEARS?! can you believe that shit?? how the hell did that happen?

you’ve been president of the US pretty much as long as i’ve been in the fucking country. god fucking damnit.

today, we should ALL celebrate, whether or not you like obama, this is a fucking cause for celebration, the years of bullshit, of disrespect, of abuse of powers, of lies, of treating us like unimportant phantom voices that can be ignored, finally, finally this is for us. this is for us, this is for the people, this is for the “american dream”, this is to restore any kind of hope and faith in this which has become a wasteland country. 

go fuck yourself george,


thank you.


3 responses

  1. good bye Guantanamo Bay.
    hello legalized marijuana.

    January 21, 2009 at 10:22 pm

  2. nub

    “i have to vote for barack”

    January 23, 2009 at 12:19 am

  3. masterkorin

    i loved george
    yay for capitalism!

    January 26, 2009 at 10:56 am

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