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Archive for March, 2010

all these kids are all my favorite skateboarders.

….except seel.

ON video

this is a gem. noseslide and nosegrind pop across the channel are incredible.

this made me super happy.

joe is killing it!

a few photos from nicks visit.

Nick took this photo of me on accident while trying to figure out how to use the video on the camera.

I took this one on purpose, but you probably couldn’t tell.

Nub came for the weekend.

Nick came down to skate and the first thing he did was bruise his heel before I even got the camera out. Then it rained, so we’ve watched about 10 skatevids so far. holla @ burg life.

jakenjoi's pun factory

I have filed a lawsuit to start the process of getting this video labeled obscene by US law, because anything that makes me feel this warm and fuzzy inside must be perverse and morally reprehensible. Or maybe Ross is just really good at skateboarding.

happy birthday alex!

it’s alexs bday, so to do a huge favor for him, UNI fucked KU up as a present. hells yeah!

best gift ever

joe gave me my birthday present a little late but it was by far the best. so everyone please, poop back and forth, forever.

oh boyyy.

you’ve heard mole stuff, moth stuff, joe stuff, wiss stuff, now I present to you. Satchmo stuff.

spring break is here and the homies are visiting

I’ve got a borrowed 7d, some new flashes, and we’ve generated about 30gb of RAW photos/video that’ll be edited down and put up here soon!!!!!!

cory smith!!!

filmed by david flotte

chris and adam mills

I don’t know how I never saw this puppy, but here it is in all it’s glory, along with a rad one shout out.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "chris and adam mills", posted with vodpod

gotta catch em all!


It may not be in english, but you can d/l osiris THE STORM. Jerry Hsu was embarrassed by this video, so you know it’s a classic.

one of my all time favorites

timeless fucking skateboarding. pure power.

i gotta a new adapter

it’s very hard to film when the image in the view finder is upside down. but i’m getting used to it. hopefully i can get a whole bunch of footage with this thing it’s so fun to use.

outside jokes.

I read this, and thought of this face.

jake is so adHD

jake is so adHD that he made another video after only a few days.

warrensburg homies

new edit by brady, I filmed some of this and have some funny footage in it. I highly recommend bruce’s laser flip at the end! holy shiiiit. so good.

kingshighway benefit pt 2

jake is getting all HD on yo ass


filmed by brady.

i feel i touch the skkyyyyyyyyy-eeeeeeeeeee.

happy bday walker

Everyone wish walker a happy birthday because he’s fucking awesome. and he gets cake’d.

derek leroy

Derek has been hurt most of the time I’ve known him, but he does really neat tricks on a skateboard.

beware of cory kennedy

What you’ve all been waiting for. yes!