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Hard Times


Due to some hard economic times, Plan Nine in Chesterfield is closing after today. When I got the job here nine months ago, I had no idea how tremendous my time here would be.  To all of our friends that made our time here special, I want to say thanks.  This small little space has come to mean a lot to a lot of people.  There are countless stories and endless memories of the time we have all spent here, but perhaps nothing has meant more to me than these past two days, when I was giving people the news, and seeing how everyone was affected by it.  If all of the fun, love, and good times shared here could somehow be translated into dollars and cents, then we’d be able to stay open forever.    This shop will close, but skateboarding will live on.


5 responses

  1. i drank till i couldnt see last night when u told me the horrifying new. oh dang i spelt horrifying perfect first try. im glad i got to spend everyday of my winter break there.


    February 16, 2009 at 7:04 am

  2. joeymrules

    right on

    February 16, 2009 at 7:08 am

  3. joeymrules

    o yea and Mini, I think you would have done that no matter what happened hahahaha.

    February 16, 2009 at 7:11 am

  4. dom

    i remember when nick got fired from plan nine, good times

    February 16, 2009 at 12:16 pm

  5. dom

    lol, i just read your second comment beans and it was funny

    February 16, 2009 at 12:23 pm

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