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Archive for February, 2009

Mind fucking Field. That is all.

We're Goin' to Iowa

Walker, Jake, and myself are headed up to Iowa to meet up with Wissman and see the new Alien Worskshop video “Mind Field.”  Sure, we could just download the thing, or maybe even buy it today when it hits shops, but why not give ourselves an excuse to go an a nice little road trip.  Iowa or bust!  Photos and video to follow.  Later.


Is this real life?

incoming mail.



Today I woke up to find footage in my mail box. Included here is a letter from seel. Fuck, I guess I’m going to have to edit now. It’s too nice out.





Things like these are my entertainment while at work at another skateshop.


adam mckee is my new favorite skater

anthony vs owen

Sequential pt. 2


Skating with the bro’s is always fun, getting coverage from left and right.



This is from July I believe. It was intended to be in issue 2 of soytruk. whoops. Super sick though.

I check my mail every day.


I open the mail box with the hopes that seel has sent me his TAPES so i can FINISH THE VIDEO.

Original Ripper

In response to the Joe post..

One of my favorites for years, his part in Transworld’s Sight Unseen really gave me a new attitude towards style and the way I skate.  I just don’t shred as hard as this guy does.  I can not wait to start seeing him skate again.  Enjoy.