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Archive for February, 2009

I can’t find my board again. Fuck you warrensburg.

skateboarding sucks anyway.

Yesterday it was 65 and I skated with a t shirt on. Tonight it’s supposed to snow. FUCK YEAH MISSOURI WEATHER!



sleep well sweet prince.



god damn will you be missed.

"If you're gonna do nose wheelies…"

Canvas has left the building…and moved into a bigger building.

new space. loads of room. new products coming. shoes and shop decks on the way. come visit. lets be friends.

old dog/new trick


I usually don’t spend much time in front of the lens, not nearly enough for my taste, ha. I’m old and washed up, so this one took awhile. photo: Matt Schneider.

I try not to post a ton of shit that’s not us….but this is so fucking killer.

jungle music

I can't sleep.


These two photos of josh have been sitting on my harddrive since early January? I thought I had lost them. I guess some good things come out of sleepless nights. Early grab tuck knee transfer and Switch 180 up the three.

Walker and Tali

Walker and Tali back in action after being deleted from my youtube, my favorite part in WE CARE.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "Walker and Tali", posted with vodpod

art fart.


A lot of people like to bad mouth art. Everyone’s a critic. You look at everything that has ever been done and you try and take it somewhere new and people are scared, they dismiss you, they miss your message.

It’s not where you take it from, it’s where you take it to.
– jean luc godard

wednesdays with wissman

First of (hopefully) many.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "wednesdays with wissman ", posted with vodpod

I usually try and make josh handsome…fuck that.

Meet alien josh.

I'm sick of class

So greg and I are hard at work on getting canvas shirts and shop decks in for everyone. There is about a 95% chance of robots or stick figures being involved in the graphics. Anyone want to see anything in particular? Also under consideration….a shop deck featuring wissmans beard. We’re working out a plan to start doing mail order for those friends of ours a little outside to HOT warrensburg skateboarding scene.

PS I caught the kid that stole my skateboards, he stole them for his little brothers to ride. I took back two and gave them one to share and made his mother aware of the situation. she was unhappy to say the least.

Hard Times


Due to some hard economic times, Plan Nine in Chesterfield is closing after today. When I got the job here nine months ago, I had no idea how tremendous my time here would be.  To all of our friends that made our time here special, I want to say thanks.  This small little space has come to mean a lot to a lot of people.  There are countless stories and endless memories of the time we have all spent here, but perhaps nothing has meant more to me than these past two days, when I was giving people the news, and seeing how everyone was affected by it.  If all of the fun, love, and good times shared here could somehow be translated into dollars and cents, then we’d be able to stay open forever.    This shop will close, but skateboarding will live on.


homage to a live guy: snuggle bandit

snuggle bandit

Totally Rad is a video by sam corkery

Totally Rad features some of the younger holmes’ in stl. Lots of neat skating and interesting spots. oh and a part from….KENDAL!!!!!

police informer is killing it.



This is one of my favorite sites, all the best old ads and interviews from 90s legends. Skate history > weak ass new plan b.

fun with kendal

Canvas Skateboards presents MindField


iowa photographssss.

The trip was delightful.

Iowa Trip Part 1

First game: Joe Hodges vs Jeff Ott.

The first game of the battle of the rad one.

Even the parking garages were underwater, I really wish this would have been dry enough to actually try tricks on.