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Posts tagged “andy wissman

this is a bad pun forGIF me.

We got lucky before the “storm of the century” and had a 40 degree sunny day this last week. I hauled it downtown to skate with the homies at shitside. I don’t really know what people call this quarterpipe setup. I like to think of it as a turtle on it’s back. Bobby Taylor gets some with a FS rock to fs 180 and the man, the myth, the legend Ryan Brinkmann does FS disaster to bs 180. More sequences to come!

a jakenjoi early christmas present

Jake has been coming out to the mills a lot and we’ve been having fun slip sliding around. He’s the cutie who does the two insane feebles back to back in this video. You will notice the filming on them is spectacular…which may or may not be because I filmed them.  Not that there aren’t a lot of good tricks in this video, but joe’s switch heel is by far my favorite. glorious!

columbia friday

wallie feeeeeeble.
Wallie Feeble.
Jim. Back Smith.
Josh Hancock. Spine Transfer.

Mini Top 5: Andy Wissman

When I started filming skateboarding a little over a year ago, I watched so many videos featuring Andy. It started with videos of Josh Hancock, because his autograph on a baseball bat is still a center piece of our family room. In a video featuring the two, I saw Andy kickflip front board the legs of a shaky unstable bench with Kanye West-like confidence. At first glance, Andy Wissman is a burly man with a beard to boot. But beneath the burly exterior lies one of the wisest souls I have ever had the pleasure to come across in this spirit journey we call life. He is so wise I bet he is solely responsible for creating the idiom “pearls of wisdom”, but we will never know because the only thing that shines through Andy Wiseman’s Confucius caliber wisdom and advice is his modesty… And his skating ability… Also his sense of humor.

I had almost forgotten that I couldn’t really skate the day I went to St. Charles, due my extraordinarily weak wings, because Wissman kept me thoroughly entertained the entire time.

And boy is that beard something in person. My single solitary post on Slap’s message boards discusses my 5 year plan of quitting skateboarding to join the competetive beard growing circuit with Ted De Gros, but after seeing some of my competition, I am thinking about signing Andy up in my place. With a beard that extravagant you have to be wise… Or just crazy, homeless and under the influence of some illicit substances. Thank goodness it isn’t the latter.

go skateboarding day!

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the rad missouri/illinois/kentucky/ohio/indiana

This is a 16 minute point and shoot documentary of our trip. Included are all the BROments we had together. Skating, bloody toes, flatspots galore, injuries and impromptu parking lot concerts.

after realizing I stopped making videos…

I decided I’d make a video. Hopefully the music doesn’t get nabbed off this one, I used a live version of the song so maybe that’ll do the trick. I drove up to Clinton and when I got there the park was empty, I stopped to see how many kids were in our park beforehand so I could compare, 30 vs 0. I don’t love skating alone, but I do like being able to move without hitting someone so I didn’t mind the drive. I had a lot of fun today, my ankle is still green and uncomfortable but this was a great way to kill some time. I hope you like it.

we went to marshall and i forgot to post the photos.


I remember having quite a bit of fun and ingesting a large amount of mexican food. Sounds like a sesh to me!

Make 'em say Indianugh na-nah na-nah.

Indiana Pano
Attack Mode.
Fs fIve O pool coping.
FS Five O pool coping.
BS Feeble.
BS Feeble.
Josh Boardslide Fakie.
Josh’s Boardslide to fakie on this mug got me so pumped. I don’t even think I tried to skate it, it was so steep.
Josh FS air.
Josh said I want to do this just like Lance Mountain. Well Josh…Lance turned 45 this month so you have got quite a bit of shredding to do until you reach his status. Early grab FS Air tucking it off the coping.
I love this photo of Josh going over vert in the cradle. You can see how dirty the ground was, littered with the chips from boards from one “last try” too many.

shits fresh.

indiana josh and the temple of doom.

Josh Layback FS Rock

I woke up in Ohio three hours before sunrise and never fell back asleep. I believe this had something to do with the fact that as we slept on the banks of the ohio river the temperature dropped to 31 degrees that night. My teeth chattered until dawn and it was at this point I yearned for warm bread and internet access. St. louis bread company locations are plentiful throughout the nation under the name Panera, which I believe is bullshit, but that is another story. Panera became our stopping point where we could refuel, hobo shower in the bathroom, acquire mass quantities of sourdough bread, inject caffeine into our systems, upload and edit our photographs and footage, and finally, descend upon the internet like fiends. One morning in Cincinnati the internet led me to the Lawrenceburg, Indiana skatepark. Thank you internet. This park was certainly a treat. If you ever find yourself within a few hours of Indiana it’s well worth the drive. An absolutely must stop if you like to skate transition whatsoever.

Josh in Indiana.

joshbs5050poolcopingindiana900pxLawrenceburg,IN is definitely one of the best skateparks I have ever ridden. Cradle, pool coping, multiple bowls, 4 levels of giant coping covered boxes.

Louisville photos

What a glorious trip this was. Here is installment number one from Louisville.

art fart.


A lot of people like to bad mouth art. Everyone’s a critic. You look at everything that has ever been done and you try and take it somewhere new and people are scared, they dismiss you, they miss your message.

It’s not where you take it from, it’s where you take it to.
– jean luc godard

Pretty Skateboards


PRETTY is a crew of holmes’ in STL that started their own little company. Although for some reason they hated on my SOYTRUK issue. Hopefully those fences have been mended, if not they’ll really hate me now. I noticed on their blog a killer new graphic. I also noticed that Jack Donze had created a nice little spoof graphic. Naturally, since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I sent Worful my version of the graphic as well. Here are all three.




Personally I think all three all marketable.


King trip. MLK museum and Elvis' birthday.

People get bored, it’s a fact, many hours are spent attempting to find cures to this boredom. Driving to Memphis and putting 3 dollars worth of quarters in graceland’s Rockabilly Cafe jukebox to hear “In the Ghetto” on repeat for 20 minutes while you eat toasted peanut butter and banana sandwiches is one of them. You can’t fade America.

perryville photos.

I woke up at 8:30 to pick everyone up and off we went on an hour and a half drive to Perryville. I love hanging out at this park, it’s a blast. Everyone had their digicams ready and Seel with his vx 1000. I’m fairly sure we killed several miniDV tapes and and memory cards that day. I believe the mark of a good session is waking up with advanced arthritis the next day. The young kids came and put the geezers in their place. Fun all around. Fragmented sentences.

The Joshua Tree


Joshua arrived with a huge smile on his face and an entire digi cam video part ready. He also got a photo his first time skating in weeks. Shoot baby grrrrl baby boiiiii. I wish I got better by not skating.

Joshua Hancock is coming back stateside, I miss the fuck out of him.

My roommate Joshua decided he needed an adventure, so the netherlands it was, he walked there uphill both ways in the snow with no shoes on. After a semester of sexual exploration and his most promising NovemBEARD yet, he is returning this thursday. Somebody buy him a brew or two.


Flo day was fun, here are some photos of it.

Jesse Heelflip

more more more more photos.

Blast from the past. part 2.