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Posts tagged “theradone

this is a bad pun forGIF me.

We got lucky before the “storm of the century” and had a 40 degree sunny day this last week. I hauled it downtown to skate with the homies at shitside. I don’t really know what people call this quarterpipe setup. I like to think of it as a turtle on it’s back. Bobby Taylor gets some with a FS rock to fs 180 and the man, the myth, the legend Ryan Brinkmann does FS disaster to bs 180. More sequences to come!

Colin Shue

Click to play.
Click to play.
Click to play.
Click to play.
Click to play sequences.

I don’t think I’ve ever skated with anyone who is more willing to try ANYTHING. Colin is a machine.

rad one birthday

I feel like it’s something we should make an event out of. The blog was started on October 22nd 2008 and we’ve come a long way since then. As of yesterday THE RAD ONE was 27 months old. Here’s a chart of developmental stages to let you know what to expect out of THE RAD ONE this coming year.

Now please enjoy a browse through the archives on this lazy sunday. —>

Jake's Junt Premiere night edit

Jake Pratte is living proof that if you smile all the time and be nice to everyone you meet that over 9,000 people will show up when you hold an event. Alright 9,000 is probably a little high, I’d say it was roughly 200-300 kids came out to see the video. By the time it was over all our hands were so sore from clapping and voices so coarse from cheering but we soldiered on and did some skateboarding.

I got a 7d!!!!!

Click to view sequence.

After months of saving and saving…I finally purchased a canon 7d. So far I’ve been nothing but thrilled with it. I’ve been testing it out shooting sequences and filming in HD. Loads of content to come soon. Here are some sequences of us getting rad for the time being.


I never got to be a boy scout.

Instead I toil’d.

Joshua Hancock is coming back stateside, I miss the fuck out of him.

My roommate Joshua decided he needed an adventure, so the netherlands it was, he walked there uphill both ways in the snow with no shoes on. After a semester of sexual exploration and his most promising NovemBEARD yet, he is returning this thursday. Somebody buy him a brew or two.


the rad one wordle'd.