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Posts tagged “photos

this is a bad pun forGIF me.

We got lucky before the “storm of the century” and had a 40 degree sunny day this last week. I hauled it downtown to skate with the homies at shitside. I don’t really know what people call this quarterpipe setup. I like to think of it as a turtle on it’s back. Bobby Taylor gets some with a FS rock to fs 180 and the man, the myth, the legend Ryan Brinkmann does FS disaster to bs 180. More sequences to come!

go skateboarding day!

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Make 'em say Indianugh na-nah na-nah.

Indiana Pano
Attack Mode.
Fs fIve O pool coping.
FS Five O pool coping.
BS Feeble.
BS Feeble.
Josh Boardslide Fakie.
Josh’s Boardslide to fakie on this mug got me so pumped. I don’t even think I tried to skate it, it was so steep.
Josh FS air.
Josh said I want to do this just like Lance Mountain. Well Josh…Lance turned 45 this month so you have got quite a bit of shredding to do until you reach his status. Early grab FS Air tucking it off the coping.
I love this photo of Josh going over vert in the cradle. You can see how dirty the ground was, littered with the chips from boards from one “last try” too many.

shits fresh.