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Posts tagged “missouri


Screen shot 2009-11-03 at 6.39.24 PM
JOSHUA HANdCOCK has cock in his last name, what else needs to be said?
Okay fine, I’ll continue.
Former roommate and six time arm breaker Joshua Hancock is featured in the best trick contest video on the parkside skateboard website. Josh did that crazy cannonball first try ever. It was pretty epic.

New kid in town.

Kenny is a cool dude, and he can certainly fuck a rail up.

I never got to be a boy scout.

Instead I toil’d.

the rad missouri/illinois/kentucky/ohio/indiana

This is a 16 minute point and shoot documentary of our trip. Included are all the BROments we had together. Skating, bloody toes, flatspots galore, injuries and impromptu parking lot concerts.

Pretty Skateboards


PRETTY is a crew of holmes’ in STL that started their own little company. Although for some reason they hated on my SOYTRUK issue. Hopefully those fences have been mended, if not they’ll really hate me now. I noticed on their blog a killer new graphic. I also noticed that Jack Donze had created a nice little spoof graphic. Naturally, since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I sent Worful my version of the graphic as well. Here are all three.




Personally I think all three all marketable.


The Joshua Tree


Joshua arrived with a huge smile on his face and an entire digi cam video part ready. He also got a photo his first time skating in weeks. Shoot baby grrrrl baby boiiiii. I wish I got better by not skating.

Joshua Hancock is coming back stateside, I miss the fuck out of him.

My roommate Joshua decided he needed an adventure, so the netherlands it was, he walked there uphill both ways in the snow with no shoes on. After a semester of sexual exploration and his most promising NovemBEARD yet, he is returning this thursday. Somebody buy him a brew or two.


Wissman heads back to warrensburg, one last session.

Dear internet,
This is wissman. I hope you people out there are digging the rad one so far. I’m trying to keep it fresh. From now on I will be posting all the footage I get and the new photos, I’m trying to get caught up and get the older stuff out too. This place is for all of us so if you read and are interested in posting just contact me. This will also be the blog for the new Warrensburg skateshop, CANVAS. Finals are coming up but I’ll try not to leave you without content. Ahoy from the rad one.
and remember kids, If at all possible, do it to fakie.
Berk rollin' up
berk the construction worker. Rigs in his natural state. Walker Wallie
Wissman peace sign look backBerk uphill crook.

more more more more photos.

Canvas Skate shop.

Blast from the past. part 2.