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Archive for January, 2009

Fuck Yeah


Canvas kids


barcelona poop trash.

i was sick the entire time we were there. the place we were staying didn’t have heating, broken windows facing bathroom windows, breaking beds, no time to go to the spots that I wanted to go to, so therefore, only nub skates the barcelona. what a terrible regret.

froze toes.

I organized a little contest for kids in our town. This was my favorite game so far. I didn’t edit this one, but i love it.

Non Skateboard-Related Bull Shit

Insert post here.

But really,



Someone stole three complete skateboards from my car.

One cheetah print griptape board.

my old school pool board with the crazy griptape designs

and my 8.5inch girl koston board with indys which was brand new.

If you know anything about this..if you have seen anyone riding them contact me.

636 236 4880.

get ready.


Canvas Skateboards website coming soon.


eight fucking years. 

EIGHT FUCKING YEARS?! can you believe that shit?? how the hell did that happen?

you’ve been president of the US pretty much as long as i’ve been in the fucking country. god fucking damnit.

today, we should ALL celebrate, whether or not you like obama, this is a fucking cause for celebration, the years of bullshit, of disrespect, of abuse of powers, of lies, of treating us like unimportant phantom voices that can be ignored, finally, finally this is for us. this is for us, this is for the people, this is for the “american dream”, this is to restore any kind of hope and faith in this which has become a wasteland country. 

go fuck yourself george,


thank you.


this is what happens when i try to clean.


There is no room left for me in my apartment.

Pretty Skateboards


PRETTY is a crew of holmes’ in STL that started their own little company. Although for some reason they hated on my SOYTRUK issue. Hopefully those fences have been mended, if not they’ll really hate me now. I noticed on their blog a killer new graphic. I also noticed that Jack Donze had created a nice little spoof graphic. Naturally, since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I sent Worful my version of the graphic as well. Here are all three.




Personally I think all three all marketable.


Haunted Adventure.

Abandoned mental institutions are creepy as can be to walk through at 1am. Very promising too. I highly suggest it.

hall of meat?

Hall of tofu.
quit being a pussy.

Snow on the ground in warrensburg means my shins get a day of rest since there are ZERO parking garages within 40 miles. It also means editing and homework and work and editing and homework.

A trip to the brassy

OG Andy Wissman Photography

This is one of the first and best of his “work”.

Check this Out

Read his latest as of now (Jan.12th) blog entry. I recommend watching the entire thumbs up season 1 and 2 if you have time. It’s a really good show. It’s on VBS.TV or youtube.

King trip. MLK museum and Elvis' birthday.

People get bored, it’s a fact, many hours are spent attempting to find cures to this boredom. Driving to Memphis and putting 3 dollars worth of quarters in graceland’s Rockabilly Cafe jukebox to hear “In the Ghetto” on repeat for 20 minutes while you eat toasted peanut butter and banana sandwiches is one of them. You can’t fade America.

I just got back

from a trip to memphis. A great video will be posted soon. The Battle of THE RAD ONE.



Current status of Jeff City skatepark, we drove an hour there to skate it at night and the place was pitch black.

Good morning Andrew,

The Washington Park skate park is still open and there are no current plans for it to be torn down. What day and at what time did you visit the skate park? The timer that controls the lights might have malfunctioned. I will have the staff troubleshoot for any problems.

The skate park has been a nice addition and great asset to the park system, but has not been without its problems. Late this summer there was an alleged shooting incident and an ensuing vehicle chase that lead to an arrest. We constantly battle graffiti and excessive trash that has lead to closing the park until clean up is complete. Unfortunately, the skate park has becoming the place for high school age kids to gather and loiter. The police department has stepped up patrolling the area but with limited success. We are looking to install a security system to discourage and eliminate the unwanted activities since we do not have the resources to pay staff to monitor the park. If the unwanted and unlawful activities continue, closing the park might be a possibility but as a very last resort.

I am sorry the lights at the park were not working when you visited the park recently. We will check the lights and timer. Please let me know if you have any further questions or comments. Thanks!

JJ Gates
Park Resources and Forestry Division Director
Jefferson City Parks and Recreation

It’s just a shooting. It ain’t no thang. Time to go try again. The 2 foot quarterpipe might be the most fun thing I have ever skated.

battle of the rad one.


1. Walker
2. Wissman
3. Joe
4. Berk
5. mole
6. seel
7. jeff
8. beans
9. alex
10. hancock
11. chris j
12. rigs
13. jesse b
14. jake
15. nick
16. moth

Alamo Plaza Hotels Trilogy

Check out the trilogy of videos made about the infamous Alamo Plaza Courts Hotel.

Part 1

Part 2


I just finished filming the trilogy of Alamo Plaza Hotel videos which was a series of shorts that took over a year to make. Hopefully you enjoy it, because I know I do.

We're doing a battle at the rad one.

Tell me if you’re in or not. We need to draw names and make brackets fool!

perryville photos.

I woke up at 8:30 to pick everyone up and off we went on an hour and a half drive to Perryville. I love hanging out at this park, it’s a blast. Everyone had their digicams ready and Seel with his vx 1000. I’m fairly sure we killed several miniDV tapes and and memory cards that day. I believe the mark of a good session is waking up with advanced arthritis the next day. The young kids came and put the geezers in their place. Fun all around. Fragmented sentences.